Free Business Name Analysis Service

Please follow these guidelines when submitting names:

  • Give the exact name of your business as it appears or will appear on the registration documents or bank account. If the company is incorporated, include the incorporation suffix exactly as it appears: Examples: "Incorporated," "Inc.," "Limited," or "Ltd."
  • Do not enter a general category such as: "Engineering," "Import/Export," "Technology," etc. This service will only analyze the energy of a specific business name.
  • For companies incorporated in India, please use "Private" and "Limited" in full, not Pvt. or Ltd.
  • The analysis is given for business names using the English alphabet. If your business name is based on a language other than English please include the alphabet and identify the letters used that are vowels.
  • If the company is very large, it may not be registered under the name by which it is commonly known. In this case, the analysis will be only partially accurate.
  • This service only analyzes the existing or potential business names you provide. It does not offer suggestions. See our full Business Name Package for details.

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