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Relaxation Critical

The relaxation period at the end of the breathing routine provides an energy we have not been able to contact or access in the past. Relaxation is a very, very critical key to good health, mental freedom, and the emanation of spiritual energy. Relaxation is important in self-control. Without relaxation, tension distorts. If we get tense, we say things we do not want to say. We do things we do not want to do. In haste we knock things over or have accidents, all because of tension. However, if we can establish and maintain relaxation, our minds are in the driver's seat.

Mental freedom is achieved by establishing relaxation physically and mentally, by establishing the ability to control what registers on the physical instrument, and by establishing individuality of receptivity, so that we are receiving only what we want to receive--constructive energy vibrations--and then directing those energies for a productive result.

Breath is like the moving magnetic field. When it comes into the body, the conductor, pranic energy is induced and the solar battery is charged. As we breathe, impulses are sent along our nervous system like electricity through wires. Just as one feels a shock at the end of a wire when an electrical charge comes through it, the solar plexus is on the other end of the pranic circuit. As we breathe, the solar plexus is energized. The process is similar to how the alternator or generator in an automobile charges the battery. As we breathe, the current comes in and is built into a storehouse of energy.

Physical regeneration comes from the absorption of the power of the breath. The relaxation period allows for the elevation of thought and of the energies of the body. Every cell in our bodies is energized by the breath and the more we breathe, the more we energize those cells and raise the vibrations of our bodies.

Mental Freedom

Mental freedom is dependent upon a state of relaxation. Tension is the killer, tension is the key to obsession, tension is the line of connection to interfering emotional urges and emotional, negative thoughts.

If we totally relax our bodies and our minds, using the power in the breath at that time, we can sever the links. The tensions we may have picked up driving in traffic or from someone at work getting nasty and causing a little issue, all the various tensions that have built up during the day can be severed. We can be our own free selves.

Such freedom is not a psychic phenomenon, nor hocus pocus, but simply involves relaxing the body so there are no tensions for negativities to hang on to. When we make our bodies relax and lift our minds to an objective state as we breathe, power comes into our solar plexi.

The power of the breath is like a hot branding iron to anything negative. We need not visualize branding something; we need only lift ourselves to a state of peaceful relaxation and, with the breathing, everything can be discouraged from hanging on and we can be mentally free and objective.

It is both inspiring and energizing to recognize from within this organization the tremendous love, harmony, and universal purpose in everyone's mind. We are Kabalarians. We are a part of something very purposeful. That is what gives a particular energy to our lives. We need to feed that energy, build that energy, and as we build and lift that energy we are going to become different individuals, and this organization is going to become known far and wide. It may be the next cycle before we get far and maybe the cycle after that before we are worldwide, but we are going to continue to grow. We are going to continue to proceed step by step, and we shall never, never, never give up.


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