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A Step in Time Based on Nine (excerpt)

Time is Life

The question has been posed within these writings, what then actually is time? Time is life. You cannot separate the two. Whatever we do within time becomes life, as an individual, as a society, as the record of human progress throughout the world. Life is what we make of time. The potential within time is a potential of Consciousness, and the natural evolution through the cyclic principle provides for the attainment promised by the principle of evolution. The more we live Principle--the more we live life to the fullest on a constructive plane--the more time is being utilized as it should be, and the results of the efforts are their own rewards.

Look not to the past other than for the understandings of lessons. Look not into the future with the frail hope that things will be better, but consider the present--now--as the most precious opportunity to accomplish what lies before us, knowing that accomplishments completed with each momentary "now" will lead to a brighter, happier tomorrow, and when tomorrow becomes the present we shall be inspired and content with what the present means to us and what we have accomplished in growth to this point. The present is far more important than the past or the future, for it is what we do here in the present that will make the past and which will determine the future as it becomes the present. Wishful thinking leads our minds to wishing we had acted otherwise than we did in the past or wishing for circumstances to be beneficial in the future; but it is only the hard, cold reality of living now in accordance with the Principle that will bring to us the inspiration, the brightness, and the happiness of living every moment of the present from now on to the termination of our days.


The Kabalarian Philosophy emphasizes the need to establish balance in life. Much has been said about the balance of a positive and negative principle. However, at this time, more emphasis is to be placed upon the balance between effort and reward. In fact, we could establish a set of scales with effort on the left, balance in the middle, and reward on the right. These are the scales that measure life and establish the law of action and reaction, and the law of as ye sow, so shall ye reap; and if it is our ambition to have a better life, then we must put more into the effort in order that the scales of balance may be properly equated with the reward that we desire.

There is no inspiration that can replace constructive results. It must be a labour of love with the rewards appreciated for what they represent. Time is your constant companion, possibly as a friend and assistant, or maybe as an opponent and destroyer if not treated justly.


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