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Life is to be Loved

There seems to be two separate general areas of life--nature, itself, with all the natural flora and fauna, and people.

It is easy to love both expressions of life when all is peaceful, gentle, and harmonious, but when nature gets violent it can become terrifying and impossible to love, at the time.
When we see or think of a wolf killing a deer, a lion killing a zebra, or a hawk killing a chicken, we have to step back and see the broader view of the balancing of the forces of nature. We cannot get involved in feelings. If we were to exterminate all wolves, the beauty and balance of the related part of nature would be destroyed. On the primitive plane of survival, such a pattern of life is natural. A lion can be majestic, powerful, and beautiful in its own way when not hurting and killing. We tend to love animals and life in that harmonious plane of existence.

It is somewhat the same in our attitude, respect, and love for people. When the lives of others do not conflict with us, often we tolerate or dismiss the difference; but when cultural differences clash, population shifts cause disruptions, economic forces upset our living standard, we begin to feel antagonistic, spiteful, hateful, and prejudicial toward others. It is difficult to feel love under these trying circumstances.

If we step back and view the transition of the shifts of human population, the resultant population and social changes that have gone on before this present time, we can recognize that getting personally involved in feelings narrows our thinking down to personality and to a destructive negative state.

To love life in all its ramifications, we must keep our perspective broad and universal, seeking to recognize and understand the potential of each spark of Reason endeavouring to express in its own natural way through the channels of life.

There are three steps of thinking that can help us to keep life in its broader perspective and to hold on to that love of life.

1. Accept and control, as well as possible, the reality of people.
2. Understand, and use patience to remain free from feelings.
3. Visualize the big potential of life seeking expression through all people.


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