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Elevate the Potential

Elevate the Potential
If the minds of the world could be lifted, so that those minds emanated universal concepts and constructive attitudes, if those minds were giving off a power, if those minds were no longer black holes of self but were stars of light, stars of individual mental clarity, if those minds knew why they are here, then the potential that exists and the purpose of that power would give back to life the energy of Reason. Just as the sunflower grows and blossoms, so the power within each and every one on the face of the earth has the potential to shine and give back to life, not in a physical way, but as the energy of Consciousness. That sunflower is expressing its reason for being a sunflower. Our reason for being is to be a conscious, intelligent, universal mental power.

Self is man's greatest obstacle to spiritual progress. People get up in the morning and stub a toe on the corner of a dresser. They may hit the dresser to get even with it, or they may take a deep breath and say, "I'm not going to let anything spoil my day." Whatever mental attitude they have, they are either shining and giving the energy of Reason or they are absorbing and misdirecting their energy into that black hole of self.

It is the little everyday thoughts that count, the little attitudes that we have so often in dealing with people. What we read, what we hear, what we say are all opportunities to be universal or challenges to be lost in self. Purpose is like the power within, that inner potential which can be energized by the expression of the Principle itself.

When we speak to those who have been on the nine-day Opportunity Period or the three-month cleansing diet, they respond that they are at a different energy level. They are manifesting a power of life that is better, that is different, that makes them so much more free. The difference between application and progress on the one hand, and indulgence and stagnation on the other, will help us make the right decision.

Within the realization of Principle, the recognition of truth, is the energy to grow and change. By studying, by applying, by thinking, we find the very source that is necessary to bring that potential into the complete unfoldment of our spiritual purpose. Every breath contains the power of life, the power of Reason, the power of conscious awakening and, thereby, the power of Universal Conscious energy. It is the energy of mind that lifts man above his limitations of self and takes him to the heights of conscious achievement.


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