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The Creation of Mind

How mind is created as well as how to mould and change
mind has long been the mystery of life. The building of
mind is as practical and mathematical as the building of a
house. A house design is conceived by the architect and
then progressively built by the contractor. The plan is
complete in every detail. The contractor starts with laying
out the site, and then prepares the foundation upon which he
builds the floors, walls, ceilings, and roof.

When a child is born the vehicle (body) is ready for
growth. The spark of life is waiting for steps of awareness
to bring it into mental form. The parents in naming a child
are the architects, for the name is the blueprint of the
mental pattern of expression and incorporates the stages
of growth.

The brain is an organ composed of special cells which are
a part of the nervous system. Each cell has a nucleus and
is linked to the nucleus of the body--the spark of life.
These brain cells, as are the cells in the entire body, are
nourished by the higher essence of energy contained within
the breath. These cells individually and collectively act
as a transformer, altering energy from the form of thought
impulses which have registered upon the solar plexus and
the sympathetic nervous system and have been transmitted
to the braincells, to a quality of energy that expresses
as a conscious thought. This energy is radiated by the
brain cells and forms a mental power which continues to
exist as a mental field but still attached to the physical
body. Thus we see the transformation of the vital pranic
energy in the breath altered and expressed as a mental
energy. The more one thinks and uses his mind, the greater
the transformation of energy and the greater the mental
power. This is the power that psychics recognize and refer
to as an aura.

How Mind is Created

Mind is created by the expression of consciousness in
the form of language. When a child is given a name, its
physical body responds to the forces of intelligence
expressed by the mind or minds which named it and refer
to it by that name. The conscious energy expressed by
the minds conceiving the name stimulates the child's body
and brain cells into a specific pattern or vibration.
This stimulation causes the child to respond consciously
according to a definite pattern which can be measured
through the name when the name is related to the
mathematical gradations of the symbols of the alphabet.

Education and experience in the forms of teaching,
environment conditions, observation, copying, and
impulsive motivation bring into mental form a concept
of life. Thus does a mind grow from nothing to a
power of mental awareness. A unique quality of mind
called analysis allows it to relate one aspect of life
with another and arrive at a conclusion or a new mental
perspective. This process represents the growth pattern
of mental development. Mental growth is based upon
analysis--using some information or knowledge already
a part of one's mind to produce something new and
additional in the form of mental concept. It is like
wrapping string into a ball--each wrap makes the roll
bigger. In mind, each experience, concept, and
developed understanding adds to the mind. Just as the
ball of string is one continuous line of string, so
is each mind the continuous experiences and thoughts
of the unfoldment of that life.

The internal source (spark of life in the solar
plexus) is like the manufacturing source of the string,
for it is the cause of continued daily living. But
it is the pattern of intelligence formed by the
name, coupled with the cyclic law of growth, that
determines how the mind is developed (i.e., patient,
kind, honest, sincere, etc.) or as how the string
would be wound into a ball (i.e., loose, tight, even,
rough, etc.)

The mind of each individual is the summation of
every experience, thought, and expression of that

Balanced Mind

The Kabalarian Philosophy teaches how the forces
of intellect can be balanced in their expression by
balancing each person's name to express the quality
of intelligence contained within the individual's
spark of life.

The Mathematical Principle explains how the symbols
of alphabets express the nine basic degrees of
consciousness. Vowel sounds, symbolized by certain
letters, when used in names establish the
awakening of the solar plexus power to consciousness
and determine the plane of intelligence from which
the individual draws awareness.

A balanced mind is created by:

1. a balanced name
2. a healthy, vital physical body
3. an environment which exemplifies balanced
living conditions
4. a pattern of education which:
(a) explains the basic Principles of Life
(b) explains the relationship of the
individual to life
(c) defines the logical pattern of living
to allow the inner potential to
become a reality
5. a standard of mental integrity
(a) honesty
(b) truthfulness
(c) kindness
(d) love and understanding
(e) patience
(f) tolerance
(g) perseverance
(h) logic
(i) sincerity

6. an ideal of spiritual service implanted early
in life and encouraged to develop through spiritual


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