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Male Austrian First Names / Nicknames / Cybernames
Viewing 1 - 500

Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis. 501 - 1000

Aaron Aaron Abigail Abraham Achim
Adalbert Adam Adele Adelheid Adem
Adina Adolf Adrian Adriana Adriane
Adriano Agnes Ahmed Ahmet Aida
Alban Albert Alberto Albin Albrecht
Aleksandar Aleksandra Alena Alessandra Alessandro
Alessia Alex Alexa Alexander Alexandra
Alexia Alfons Alfred Ali Ali
Alia Alice Alicia Alina Aline
Alisa Alissa Aljoscha Alkaizer Allan
Allegra Alma Almut Alois Altran
Alwin Amadeus Amalrich Amanda Ambros
Amelie Amin Amina Amir Amir
Amira Amon Amon Ana Anastasia
Anatol Andra Andre Andre Andre
Andrea Andreas Andrej Andrew Andrew
Andy Angela Angelina Angelique Angelo
Anika Anita Anja Anke Ann
Anna Annabel Anne Annelies Annemarie
Annette Annika Anselm Anthony Antje
Antoinette Anton Anton Antonella Antonia
Antonio Antonio Antonius Arabella Aram
Ari Ari Arian Ariane Arman
Armin Arne Arno Arnold Arnold
Arnulf Aron Arthur Artur Astrid
Atilla Atzi August Augustin Aurel
Axel Aylin Babette Badem Badeni
Balthasar Barbara Barbel Bastian Bauer
Beat Beate Beatrice Beatrix Belinda
Benedict Benedikt Benjamin Benjamin Benno
Berit Bernadette Bernard Bernd Berndt
Bernhard Berta Berthold Bertram Bettina
Bianca Birgit Bjorn Bloch Boris
Born Brian Brian Brigitta Brigitte
Bruno Bryan Burkhard Burlein Camilla
Camillo Can Cara Carin Carina
Carl Carla Carlo Carlos Carmen
Carola Carolina Caroline Carolyn Carsten
Catherine Cathrine Cecilia Cedric Celina
Celine Chantal Charlotte Chiara Chris
Chrisman Christa Christian Christiane Christin
Christina Christine Christof Christofer Christoff
Christoph Cindy Ckeykmxc Claire Clara
Clarissa Claudia Claudio Claudius Claus
Clemens Clemenz Connie Conrad Constantin
Constanze Cora Cordula Corina Corinna
Corinne Cornel Cornelia Cornelius Cosima
Curd Cynthia Dagmar Dajana Damaris
Damian Damian Damien Dan Dana
Dania Daniel Daniela Daniele Daniele
Daniella Danielle Danijel Danilo Danja
Danny Daphne Daria Dario Darius
Darius Darius Darius David David
Debora Deborah Delia Denis Denis
Denise Deniz Deniz Dennis Desiree
Dhelon Diana Diane Dieter Diethard
Dietmar Diezl Dimitri Dina Dinah
Dino Dirk Dolores Domenic Domenica
Domenico Domenik Domenique Dominic Dominic
Dominica Dominik Dominikus Dominique Dominique
Dora Doreen Dorian Dorina Doris
Dorit Dorothea Dreher Dunja Dustin
Eberhard Edda Eder Edgar Edith
Edmund Edmund Eduard Edward Edwin
Edwina Egon Eike Eileen Elena
Eleonora Eleonore Elfi Elfriede Elias
Elif Elisa Elisabeth Elise Elizabeth
Elke Ella Ellen Elmar Elsa
Elvira Elvis Emanuel Emanuela Emil
Emilia Emilie Emily Emma Emmanuel
Emmerich Engelbert Enrico Enzo Ephraim
Erhard Eric Eric Erich Erik
Erika Erkan Erna Ernest Ernestine
Ernst Erol Erwin Ester Esther
Etienne Eugen Eva Evelin Eveline
Evelyn Evelyne Evi Ewald Fabian
Fabienne Fabio Fabiola Fabrizio Fanny
Fatima Felicia Felix Felizitas Ferdinand
Filip Filipp Filiz Fink Fiona
Flohberger Flora Florence Florentin Florentine
Florian Florin Francesca Francesco Francis
Franco Frank Franko Frantz Franz
Franziskus Fred Frederic Frederick Frederik
Fridolin Friederike Friedrich Fritz Gabi
Gabriel Gabriela Gabriele Gabriella Gaby
Gangle Gary Gaul Gdfgfdgsfd Gebhard
Georg Georgia Georgina Georgios Gerald
Geraldine Gerard Gerd Gerda Gerdschi
Gerfried Gerg Gerhard Gerit Gerlinde
German Gernot Gero Gerold Gerrit
Gerrit Gerry Gert Gertraud Gertrude
Gervin Gerwin Geza Gianna Gideon
Gilbert Gina Gino Giovanni Gisela
Giuseppe Gloria Gottfried Gotthard Gregor
Gregory Greta Gretel Gudrun Guenther
Guido Gunda Gunnar Gunter Gunther
Guntram Gustav Gutaj Haas Haider
Hakan Hanna Hannah Hannelore Hannes
Hanno Hans Hansjorg Hansjorg Hans-Jorg
Hansjurgen Hansjurgen Hanspeter Hanspeter Hans-Peter


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