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Male Portuguese First Names / Nicknames / Cybernames
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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis. Last 114

Abel-Neves Abilio Abranches Aciano Admon
Ado Adriana Adrio Affomso Affonso
Afomso Afonso Afonsso Agostinho Agoulartm
Aikapa Airas Aires Ajota Ajotinha
Alberino Alberto Aldair Aldomiro Aleixo
Alessandro Algu Alinares Alinhares Alivar
Allvaro Alm Altificio Alvares Alvarez
Alvaro Alves Alvoro Ambrosio Amdre
Amedeiros Americo Amodis Amouras Amrrique
Amtonio Amtonyo Ana Andrade Andre
Andre Andre Andres Andrew Andrew
Andy Angelino Angelo Anibal Aniceto
Anjos Anrrique Anrriquez Antam Anthonio
Antonio Antonio Antonjose Antonyo Antune
Aposaude Aragao Arcibaldo Aristides Armanda
Armando Artur Aternizio Atinho Atremion
Aveiro Ayras Ayres Azevedo Azuil
Balltesar Baltasar Baltesar Barbosa Barreto
Barrios Barros Bartlo Bastiam Bastos
Batalha Batista Beatriz Belchior Belchyor
Bella Bellchior Belmira Bento Bernaldo
Bernaldom Bernalldim Bernalldo Bernardo Bertolameu
Bessa Bianca Bli Boavintura Branco
Bras Brasco Braz Bruno Cabral
Caetano Caio Cajado Camilo Carlos
Casasolar Castro Catalina Catarino Cebria
Celson Cezilio Chagas Christao Christiano
Christovam Christovao Chriticles Clara Clawirton
Cleto Coelho Coppage Correia Cosme
Cossme Costa Couto Cristian Cristina
Cristofo Cristovo Cruz Cruz Cunha
Dactilia Damio Dani Dano Darenial
De Degolacao Demedeiros Denis Denys
Diaggo Diaz Dida Diego Dieguo
Dimas Diniz Diogo Dioguo Domigos
Domingos Dominguez Donato Dorego Dores
Doriene Duarte Dulio Duvalino Dyogo
Eannes Edjair Edson Eduardo Edwardo
Eff Elana Eliana Eloi Elvido
Emilia Emilio Enes Enoque Enphante
Ephex Equilibrio Estancinho Estava Estavam
Estevam Estevao Estevez Eugenio Eulario
Evaristo Eytor Fabio Faraira Farmarede
Fatima Feliciano Felipe Felix Feram
Ferdinand Fermao Ferna Fernam Fernanado
Fernandes Fernandez Fernando Fernao Ferno
Figo Filipa Filipe Firmino Flavio
Florencio Florinha Fortunato Frana Francisco
Francisquo Gabriel Garcia Gaspar Germano
Gervasio Gil Gill Glaucia Gloria
Godofredo Gomcallo Gomez Goncallo Goncallvez
Goncalvo Gonzalo Gotera Goterre Goterrez
Goulart Goulmed Goumed Graciano Gualberto
Guaspar Guera Guerra Guilherme Guiomar
Guymar Halder Hanrrique Heitor Helena
Henrique Henriques Hermin Hilda Hildeberto
Hipolito Honory Hoskie Humberto Icdamune
Ida Ilhazul Inacio Inai Ines
Ioham Irene Irojsfwx Isabel Isabell
Ishmar Itocravo Ivan Ivan Izalino
Jacinto Javier Jhorge Jo Joam
Joao Joaozinho Joaquim Joaquin Joaquin
Joham Johan Johane Johanne Johao
Joreao Jorge Jose Jose Jose
Josefa Juan Julia Julio Justani
Justino Kelsey Kenedy Kevin Kiduchu
Koomannii Kyla Lancarote Lauana Laurenco
Lawana Lawana Leal Leandro Leborio
Leo Leon Leon Leon Leonardo
Leonel Leonor Leopoldo Liberio Ligia
Linhares Lisandro Llopo Llucas Lluis
Lope Lopes Lopes Lopez Lopo
Loureco Louremco Lourenco Lucas Luciano
Lucio Luis Luisa Luisa Luquas
Lurdes Luys Macario Machado Mackton
Madeira Magdalena Magellan Maggy Maia
Maicon Malber Manoel Manoell Manuel
Manuela Manuell Marcelino Marcelo Marco
Marcos Margarida Maria Mariana Mariano
Marina Mario Marques Marques Martim
Martimho Martin Martin Martin Martinez
Martinho Martino Martym Martyn Martynho
Mateus Maura Maureo Mauricio Mauricio
Mauro Maximo Mayor Medardo Medeires
Medeiros Meen Meendez Melchiore Mendes
Menezes Michel Migdonio Miguel Milamores
Modesto Monteiro Mota Moura Musephex
Narciso Nazario Nelio Neto Neves
Neves Nicalao Nicodemo Nicolaao Nicolao
Nicollao Niolaao Nunez Nuno Nycolaa
Odoardo Oldemar Osorio Ourigner Paes
Palhacinho Pallos Palmeira Palos Paolo
Pascoal Patricia Patricio Patricio Paula
Paulino Paull Paullo Paulo Pedralvo
Pedre Pedro Pedro Peixoto Pelas
Pellas Pere Pereira Perez Pero
Peter Philiip Pinto Pio Pobre
Porfirio Portugal Portug-M Prazeres Propherio
Quaresma Raisa Ramos Raquel Raquel
Regalo Regis Remigio Rhubo Ribas


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