Rhythm Of Life

When one thinks of rhythm, one naturally visualizes perfect coordination in dancing, music in well-defined time, or the sweep of oars in a racing shell. These are just three instances of the innumerable expression of rhythm. Rhythm is usually associated with movement, yet that is only one phase, for one hears of rhythmic sounding names and rhythm in colours. There is rhythm that can be felt, yet not seen or heard. I refer to that sense of harmony one feels or senses in certain environments or in association with certain types of people.

Let's relate this principle in a more personal nature, relative to man's well-being and mental development. Much time and money are being spent in research for the cause of sickness and disease; the angle of diet has been covered; the principle of hygiene and sanitation has been thoroughly exploited; and along with medical and naturopathic theories, there are the many avenues of magnetic, divine, and faith healings that have contributed their part.

It would seem that man has about exhausted all channels of research in a fruitless search. Yet, when one ponders the marvels of nature and realizes the vast wisdom that motivates all things, it is easy to believe that there is a principle that will give man all the answers-a basic principle that, so far, has been overlooked in man's complex study of matter and form.

Balance-A Divine Power

The Kabalarian Philosophy points to the principle of rhythm and balance as the divine power that represents perfect coordination and cohesion in all forms of life. Science knows that there is an important link between the mind and body; that the right mental attitude toward health must not be overlooked, a fact that bears out the principle of coordination and rhythm that is the uniting force.

A healthy person moves rhythmically and should think in the same form. Innumerable theories have stressed the necessity of continuity and coordination of thought and expression, and the vital importance of proper meditation and concentration. These are the text of all constructive and progressive theories. Yet, these too have by-passed the basic principle through which rhythmic thinking and complete coordination of the senses and emotions may be assured; through which perfect states of meditation can be reached, for they are not the means to-but the ultimate of-constructive mental effort.

Explore Thought to its Fullest

One must learn to think rhythmically so that one's verbal expression may be spontaneous and flowing, without any mental effort. There are numerous planes of mind to which man can aspire, planes of deeper and more universal thought, but to do so necessitates the proper state of mind: the ability to attach one's mind to a thought or subject and explore it to its fullest, to flow from one thought to another, each thought perfectly coordinating the basic points, solidifying and cementing the points into a tangible, basic, and understandable theory. One must learn to think without outside thoughts or emotional feelings interfering with his thinking. To do so means that one must have established a wonderful force of coordination between his emotional nature and thinking capacity, the mind. So few people have learned to control their emotions, the power of their solar plexus, and to transmute that emotional force into brain power. Until man does, the human race will be ridden with disease and chaos in all things.

Developing Rhythmic Thinking

The Scripture tells us to seek within for the peace of mind that passeth all understanding. This is not attained by endeavouring to divorce one's mind from active thought, i.e., by reaching for a state of coma or unconsciousness and relinquishing one's mental faculties to an outside force. One does not progress except through his own faculties by developing rhythmic thinking, by giving full and uninterrupted play to his thinking capacity. Rhythmic thinking can come only through logic and reason, for unless man's mind is analytical and logical, his thoughts become confused, incidentals become magnified into great issues and, in time, he loses all sense of proportion and continuity of thought. Then the danger of insanity becomes all apparent. One must learn to look for and understand the true values of life to quickly recognize illogical and confusing thoughts and dismiss them automatically, so that, in time, confusing thoughts will never interfere with his concentration.

The state of one's health is a reflection of the state of his mind. Erratic thinkers are physically uncoordinated and suffer through the emotions and nervous system. The principle of balance in human mind is the key to health, to mental and spiritual progress.

First learn to use logical analysis in all your thinking. Sort out and eliminate foolish emotional thoughts that engender fear, worry, excitement, jealousy, irritation, depression, and self-pity, and then you will not become subservient to them in any form of obsession. Learn that worry is a destructive force. Never try to solve a problem or question while in the state of worry; banish the worry first, thus leaving your mind free from obstructions.

One's mind is likened to a radio channel or wave length; only one station can be transmitted and received on a particular wave. Any interference is called static and distorts the reception. When thinking, learn to stick to the main issue, be consistent, be logical, and be properly tolerant; otherwise, your thoughts will take on the colour of the emotions and will be restricted and limited to self.

Clarity of Vision and Concept

Strive for the beauty of clear uncontaminated thought for clarity of vision and concept; smallness of mind represents mental imprisonment and a stilted life. The art of rhythmic thinking is akin to the principle of musical harmony. One cannot play a score of music in two or more different keys at once; neither can one think logically with confused thoughts. In debate, quickly find the meat of the argument, the principle involved, and stick to your point. Then you will automatically speak convincingly and logically, and this will reflect through your personality in self-assurance, poise, and balance, and a clear, versatile mind. Clear your channel of thought from pettiness, uncharitable thoughts, egoism, dogmatism, and antagonism; then you will free your mind for rhythmic and constructive thought and expression. This cannot be done merely by force of will but through proper mental balance, through the Mathematical Principle as applied to your name plus a proper understanding of nature's laws and application to them.

Written by Alfred J. Parker, founder of the Kabalarian Philosophy


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