We encourage people to use our "Query" code on their web sites.

Simply place the following code into one of your HTML files.

What the code looks like when pasted onto your site

"What's in YOUR name?"

First Name: Male Female
Please use standard keyboard characters and hyphens instead of spaces.

Report a problem. | Learn how to install this code on your site.

If you have any difficulties adding the code, just click here to contact our technical department at technical99@kabalarians.com with the URL (address) of the page you wish to add it to and we will do our best to help you get it working.

If you are unable to get the query code working on your site, you can always just link to us. The best link is:


Finally, please let us know the URL of the actual page you have installed the code on (not just the main page of your site).

Thank you for your interest in the web site.


Garett Hennigan - Internet Services Manager
Society of Kabalarians of Canada

Thought for the Day