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Seventh Centre: Open Door

Seventh Centre: Open Door
The seventh centre is the centre of universal peace and harmony. It is the heaven, you might say, of universality. When man has overcome the desires of his physical body, learned to control his thoughts and speech, opened his awareness to his inner potential, become truly an individual, and is drawing from the universal power--that universal power flowing up to feed and energize the brain cells--then the seventh centre, eighth centre, and the ninth centre automatically unfold. In other words, there is not the same effort required to open these centres as there is in the lower centres. The lower centres are more of the physical, outer path and these are the inner. Again, it is creating the circumstances that will allow the unfoldment.

In nature, if a plant is about to blossom and there is a cold snap with storms, wind, rain, and snow, everything stops growing and there is no unfoldment. In the fall there may be rose buds in November that will never unfold because of the approach of winter. In the same way, the buds of spiritual unfoldment require the environmental conditions. When the mind is individual and creates the peaceful quality of reflection, consideration, and thoughtfulness, then this centre automatically opens and man is tuned to the seven plane, the plane of philosophy. It becomes automatic and natural to start thinking about a subject, writing an article, and having the depth of understanding just come and unfold, when one reaches a certain point. When a question of life arises and there is the universal power of Consciousness expressing through an individualized mind, the depth of the Principle is there to be drawn upon.

It is the seventh centre, the centre that we refer to as the peaceful centre. The seventh centre is that centre where man reaches out for the unknown. Genesis refers to God resting on the seventh day. It was a day of rest; it was a peaceful day. The significance is that it is a day of universal conception rather than of effort. It is the time of the flowering of the blossom in which the bud opens into the flower. It is at that point that the blossom is pollinated by the bee who transfers the pollen from one plant to another. This is the pollination of the mind reaching now, having created the individual contact. This is pollinated with the universal power. The individual centre begins to unfold and the mind reaches out and begins to blossom and show the depth of understanding of universal truths.

When the seventh centre is opened, the wisdom of life is there to be drawn upon.


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