Choosing a Successful Business Name!
Choosing a business name is one of the most important aspects in starting a business. The name you choose will represent the image and label of your business, and you want that image conveyed clearly to your customers.
But your name is more than just the image - your business name carries a powerful energy that can create great success! But it can also be the cause behind a constant struggle with mediocre performance.
Choosing A Good Business Name Can Spell “Success”...
At Kalex Solutions, we offer you names with a difference. Kalex uses a unique formula to create business names based on a Mathematical Principle. There is an energy in your business name that can help you in your efforts to create success.
Your company name projects important messages to customers, staff, and suppliers, making it a critical aspect of success. Kalex offers you a selection of business names based on your requirements of sound and image. The type of business is considered and names are provided to allow a natural outlet for the ideals and objectives of your company.
And most importantly - each name we give you is applied to the Mathematical Principle to give you a choice of well balanced, successful business names, names with a strong energy to attract the best opportunities.
The result is a name with the right image and one that spells "success"!
Visit our specialized Business Name site, for complete detailed information.
Whether you are starting a new company or have an established enterprise, let Kalex help you design strong names for your business.
Free Business Name Analysis Service
To Enter Your Request Correctly:
- Please give the exact name of your business as it
appears on the registration documents or on your bank account. If the
company is incorporated, include the incorporation ending
exactly as it appears. Example: "Incorporated" or
"Inc.", "Limited" or "Ltd."
- The analysis is given for a business name using the English alphabet. If your business name is based on a language other than English please include the alphabet and identify the letters used as vowels.
- If the company is very large, it may not be registered under the name by which it is known. In this case the analysis will be only partially accurate.
- This service analyses an existing or potential business name. It does not offer suggestions. Please do not submit words such as Technology, Construction, Inport/Export. etc. as they cannot be used in any country as the name of a business.
This service is becoming increasingly busy. Unfortunately, there is now a 1 to 2 week response time in replying. We regret that only one of your requests can be answered each time. For additional choices or a faster reply see the "Do You Need More Than One Name Analyzed?" section below.
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you do not receive your analysis check your spam blockers. Please whitelist our email address of: in your spam program to ensure you will receive your business name analysis.
Please complete all of the following required fields:
Do You Need More Than One Name Analyzed?
Our Free Brief Analysis Service may take up to 3 weeks and will not respond to multiple requests. We have added a special service to accommodate those wishing to submit several names for analysis and receive a guaranteed reply within 3 business days.
- We have a separate service where you can request up to 6 Business Name Analyses for a fee of $89.
- We guarantee a response within 3 business days.
Click here for details on this service.
If you prefer you can call us toll free at 866-489-1188.
To contact us:
Kalex Naming Solutions & Business Development Ltd.
1160 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V6H 1J1
Toll free - North America: 1-866-489-1188
Tel: 604-263-9551