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Our Ideals, Principles, Vision and Values

Our ideals should be representative of the power invested in us with the first breath of life. They should be like the intelligence in a seed, which directs each molecule of growth to build the plant into the reflection of the power of Reason involved in the seed. The power of life is expressed intelligently through each law and principle, which governs the action of every atom of the universe, which is much greater than just the individual molecules in a seed. Therefore our ideals should be the basis for our growth and they should guide our actions so that those actions lead us step by step back to Reason.

Our principles should be the summation of our standards for living on the highest plane of mind possible. They should embody the concepts of constructive thinking, healthy living, integrity, humbleness to the greater power of Reason, and sincerity to the spark of greatness awaiting expression from within.

Our vision for the future should represent our hope for the future and the complete expression of our highest values.

Our values should reflect that which we prize most highly and which we hold in highest esteem. We should have the clarity of understanding to recognize that the Principle we study and apply is of the highest value in life.


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