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Unfoldment of Reason

Unfoldment of Reason

Opportunities are the unfoldment of the power of Reason. As a farmer or a gardener plants seeds everyday when the sun shines and warms the earth, and the rain falls and brings moisture, everyday is the opportunity for a little plant to grow a little higher, bigger, and fuller, and the opportunity comes ultimately to maturity, to produce whatever the plant might be. That opportunity is the unfoldment of the seed within to be what it is meant to be.

Life is the opportunity for the power of Reason within each of us to become what we are meant to be. What are we meant to be? We are meant to be the true reflection of the universal quality of Reason. Like everything else, it does not happen except through growth, change, and the changing of the future from the past. If the future remains the same as the past, there is no change, growth, or development, and there is stagnation. Stagnation leads to decay, rot, and disintegration.

In this school of life we as students have to be aware, to re-evaluate this present opportunity, and to develop our true potentials. It is so common not to develop the inner potential. Of the billions of people in life, how many have the privilege of developing their inner potentials; of knowing who they are, what their inner potentials are, how they can be measured, how they can create the balanced channels, how they can use the powers of life--the power of the breath, the power of Consciousness through language, the power of mental discipline--and how those energies can be correlated into a focused reflection of the power of Reason?

Fulfil Potential

It is our responsibility to give back to life the fulfilment of our potentials. The little seed has its own opportunity to germinate, sprout, and grow. It has the responsibility to produce a head of wheat with many little kernels of wheat in it; it gives back to life the fulfilment of that cycle because it has had the privilege. It is not able to think about the privilege of growing and producing more wheat kernels; it is just a part of that reflection of Reason.

We as Kabalarian students do have that realization that we are alive and we have this potential of Reason to be unfolded. All of life is the reflection of this power of unfoldment and our responsibility is to give the fullest, clearest, broadest, most truthful reflection of that potential. We have a measure of awareness and understanding. Many of us appreciate the Principle. Many of us already think that the Principle is a very, very wonderful opportunity. Many of us are doing our best to apply the Principle, and yet we know that our best is never really the fullness of life; we could always do better if we tried harder.

The opportunity before us is the opportunity to change our thinking. What we have to do is paint the picture of the future so vividly and so clearly that it can inspire us to try hard to make the change.

It is important that we appreciate there is a much greater world of conscious awareness, a much greater world of reason to be expressed.


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