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The Development of Mind

We use the circle often in our symbolism: no beginning and no ending. So, too, mind is like the circle, for there is no beginning and no ending but a continuous flow from the higher to the lower and back again to the higher. A realization in mind broadens one's understanding, which allows for easier application; that application brings more understanding, elevating one's perspective to a higher level, bringing the power of mind on a plane of self-discipline, establishing more control, resulting in more growth. And so the cycle continues: understanding, application, growth, more understanding, greater application, and more growth.

Mind grows through mental processes. As we think, analyze, and make logical deductions, our concepts become more developed. If we live in a world of illusion, emotional impulses, and illogical thinking patterns, our minds remain immature and childish. If we practise exercising our minds, they will become strong, just as a muscle develops through exercise. If we practise adding columns of figures, we can become mathematically clever in addition. If we use our minds for any practice of mental concentration, we can develop attributes within mind accordingly. If we practise, for instance, with the candle exercise, in time our minds could gain the ability to control the flame. However, our challenge is to direct the development of the mind along the channels of conscious understanding. Therefore, if we exercise our minds with analysis based on Principle, our minds will become strong and wise with the broadened concept of universal understanding. We must thoroughly know our subject, life, and must understand also the ramifications of life in order that we may be the experts on the Principle of Life to provide the leadership that the world needs to bring the masses onto the plane of logic, reason, and truth-that they, too, may find happiness, peace of mind, and constructive lives.

The development of the mind means the exercising of the mind to strengthen it through constructive analysis. Analysis, to be constructive, must be based upon Principle, which is the comparison between what is and what should be according to Principle. It is the comparison between the reality of life and the perfection of the abstract theory, but it is that comparison that gives us understanding of what to strive for.

We speak of infinity, and yet cannot grasp the finality of infinity, for is there such a thing? A rose will grow and unfold toward the perfection of beauty, but where is the infinite end of beauty for a rose? We breathe, diet, exercise, and strive for perfection of the physical instrument as the temple of the spirit, but where does perfection exist? It is always beyond the plane of reality and dimension, but if the rose did not have that infinite stage of perfection to strive for or to grow toward, there would be a limitation and an end. Similarly in mind there is always perfection to be striven for but reality to be lived in. We can learn to count columns of figures quickly but it is always possible for another mind to count those figures more quickly. We may be patient, but another mind can always express more patience. We continually reach out for the state of perfection which guides us along the pathway of growth toward the infinite stage of perfection, and which leads us ever onward toward the higher levels of intelligent expression. We must live with imperfection but strive always for greater growth toward perfection. We live within the limitations of mind but we must strive to develop our concepts to be the perfect expression of Principle, recognizing that as we grow in our understanding of Principle, our concepts will allow us an ever-broadening understanding of the Principle, enlarging the scope of perfection and mental development.


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