Your Name Affects Your State of Health

Do you find yourself living day by day under the druggist's care or looking for better health and energy in vitamins and herbs? Or, are you searching for something better that explains the natural laws of balance between your physical body, mind, and spirit?

In this age with its fast tempo everyone is faced with the same problem, that is, time—not enough of it, or not knowing how to use it properly. With the advent of artificial and chemical additives, and quick frozen meals, many of us are consuming too much food that has been chemically treated to give it a longer shelf life but which can be hazardous to health. As we observe the degree of sickness in the world, it seems vitally necessary to take another serious look at this longstanding problem. We recognize that nutritious food is vitally necessary to the proper functioning of the body, but does food have the greatest bearing upon one’s health?

Physical Laws—Their Importance

Physical growth should be a natural unfoldment of the intelligent power of life seeded within the body at birth. However, due to complications and interferences the body does not always develop properly. Babies are fed canned, processed vegetables and meat; the chemical additives which may preserve the food for a longer period of time are extremely detrimental. In recent years greater investigation is proving that meat, sugars, and processed foods are detrimental to the normal functioning of the body and are the harbingers of many diseases. Thus a change in one’s eating habits is one of the requirements to create greater good health and vitality in the body. It is important to purchase organic fruits and vegetables if you can and avoid genetically modified foods. Eat nature’s fruits and vegetables and this will go along way in creating better health. Yet, let us not swing too far the other way and become overly food conscious.

The Mental Law—Its Effect

This brings into the picture another natural law which is vitally important in your understanding of how to create health and that is the mental law. Knowing how your thinking creates energy that impacts your body is an amazing key in solving health issues. It is a known fact that regardless of the quality of food eaten, one’s mental happiness or discord can alter food’s chemical structure to become poisonous. Thus we need to understand the thinking processes to determine what creates the various reactions in the body.
Have you ever stopped to wonder about the differences in people: why some are passive in nature and love ice-cream, whipping cream, and pastries whereas another is high-strong, nervous, and intense, perhaps enjoying the same food, and then a third type who would rather die than give up meat and potatoes? There is a reason for this and it can be answered through a study of human mind.

Name and Health

How mind is created is a mystery to many, yet to a student of the Kabalarian Philosophy the answer can be conveyed in one word—name. A study of the effect of name upon a person reveals the cause of sickness and disease. Most of us recognize the importance of eating a balanced diet, but even eating properly a person with a discordant name can suffer sickness if the mind is not in harmony with the body and the potential spiritual power that was seeded with the first breath of life. How is mind understood? Potential weaknesses and sickness can be determined through an analysis of one’s name because the physical body is a reflection of one’s thinking. Remember, the desire for certain foods must be in the thinking first—the basic cause lies in the desires of the mind. Health can be maintained or regained through study and application of the physical and mental laws. It is not natural to suffer, but suffering is a natural result of not knowing how one’s thinking creates wrong desires, habits, and stress.

Creating Balance

Tension is a number one killer creating discord between the mind and body. A balanced mind, created by establishing a balanced name, stabilizes one’s desires. Then, by practicing principles of constructive, harmonious thinking and establishing balanced eating habits, you can literally turn your infirmities around to reflect good health and vibrant energy.

Listed below are a few names illustrating how a health weakness is related to the influence of name. Please note that the examples are of first names only. The surname, the influence of the first and last names combined, and the date of birth can modify or intensify the degree of balance or discord in a person’s body. A full analysis of one’s name and birth date would denote the degree of balance, health, and success, or discord, sickness and failure one is experiencing in their life.

Pat, Peter, Ralph, Kay, Iris, Cindy
• headaches; eye, ear, or teeth problems; weakness in the bond structure

Joe, Doug, Roger, Violet, Sarah, Marian, Phyllis
• glandular weakness and fluid problems; cold feet, kidney and bladder trouble, and weakness affecting the back

Lou, Chris, Justin, Quinn, Ruby, Charlotte, Laurie
• skin and liver problems; biliousness, rashes, eczema, over-heated bloodstream; weak ankles

David, Kirk, Vi, Kitty
• stomach ailments; digestive problems; growths; sluggishness; constipation and its related problems

Jim, Terry, Bert, Cecil, Edith, Enid, Betty, Tiny
• sensitive solar plexus and stomach; digestive problems; ulcers

Philip, Maurice, Jason, Victoria, Norma, Doreen
• heart, lung, and bronchial problems

Bill, Justine, Ramona, Helen
• generative problems, prostate gland weakness; difficulties with childbirth

Cliff, Dick, Phil, Lill, Min
• nervous disorders, shaking, intensity, and allied problems

Create Your Own Happiness and Health

Happiness, health, and success should be your birthright. If the answer were to be found in the medicine cabinet or bought from the druggist then sickness would be on the decrease instead of the increase. Take this opportunity to look further into the physical and mental laws and discover how your name and your dietary habits can be altered and balanced to create your own life-long happiness and health.

In this age with its fast tempo everyone is faced with the same problem, that is, time—not enough of it or not knowing how to use it properly. With the advent of artificial and chemical additives, and quick frozen meals, the general public is consuming too much food that has been chemically treated to give it a long shelf life but which can be hazardous to the health. As we observe the degree of sickness in the world, it seems vitally necessary to take a more serious look at this problem and discover a natural way of eating. We recognize that nutritious food is vitally necessary to the proper functioning of the body, but does food have the greatest bearing upon one’s health.

Dhorea Delain

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"Change your life through the power of a Balanced Name"



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