Learn to be a Doer
© Alfred J. Parker
Teach your child the joy of accomplishment, and the pride will come—not self-aggrandizement, for one must always be humble, yet a natural pride in the completion of a task. Give a child encouragement and little rewards if, and only when, he has completed his commitment. Develop a child's creative ability and he will find the joy of living and doing, and he will never be lazy-minded. Never reward an incompleted task and never compromise; let it be, "all or nothing."
Teach your child perspective, to see for himself and to observe details, for the greatest picture is built upon individual strokes of the brush. Teach your child to see what is needed to be done and to do it without having to be asked. Teach him that this is the quickest way to attract friends; kindness always begets kindness and creates understanding.
Likewise in ourselves, as parents and as individuals, we too should develop active minds and find interests in life, for this is one of the finest means toward a sane and balanced life. When one's mind becomes a prisoner of inertia and lives within self, mental sickness is bound to develop. While we are doing things, especially for others, we have not the time to dwell upon self, and all imagined wrongs disappear. Mind is the channel of expression, and expression is action and motion; the moment we hinder progress through self-satisfaction or inertia, our minds quickly degenerate and we become possessed of moods—and depression quickly follows.
There is no greater pleasure and joy than accomplishment, especially the mental kind. The world needs writers, teachers, and philosophers, people with vision and creative ability, to give to the world new thoughts and perspectives. What is more stimulating than a new thought? It is like a ray of sun between the dark clouds. What is more elevating than progress made in one's thinking, in adding refinements, graciousness, and greater individuality to one's life? Any attempt to betterment of self always reflects through the features, experiences, associations, and sum total of one's progress. As one thinketh so does he attract, and so is he in his heart.
The aim of the Kabalarian Philosophy is to develop a more universal outlook where each realizes the at-oneness of all things, and lives for the betterment of all, and in so doing forgets self, self-pity, and self-aggrandizement, and strives for self-betterment of ethics and refinement for the group as a whole.