Mathematics,a Fundamental Law
© Alfred J. Parker
How everything lies veiled in numbers, is the wisdom of the Kabalah. There are profounder meanings in mathematics than the technical values that are commonly understood. Mathematics is the universal measurement through which all the secrets of nature are discovered.
Human mind did not create mathematics; it is a fundamental law of all existence, and we are merely discovering it.
Mathematics is the pathway to all knowledge and progress; it is the law of dimension through which everything comes into manifest form and therefore is the Principle of Life. It is the only proof, or definite measurement, of any science, theory, or philosophy.
Mathematics is the infallible principle which enables science to measure everything according to its vibration, to segregate and to recorrelate the elements of nature, and thus to create new forms of matter.
Mathematics is the universal measurement that proves the relationship and oneness of all things.
The Kabalarian Philosophy reveals the spiritual intelligence behind the invisible forces of nature, which manifest through the symbols of numbers and letters. Science has proved that all life is motion (we call it vibration) and that everything: substance, shape, colour, species, sound, light, and all forms of life, have their being in and through vibration. The mathematical measurement of these forms, through their different vibrations, divulges their nature. The application of this divine measurement proves the existence, quality, and nature of all forms of life. Mathematics is basic and is the pathway to God. God is all there is. There can be nothing outside of God.
Law of Vibration
Through the law of vibration we realize the relationship between the name, the mind, and all the functions of the body--how harmony can be produced through the proper mathematical balance of divine forces manifesting through the name--thus insuring health and functional balance.
In addition to the name, there are many outside forces that can influence and affect this balance; but the name is basic, and any forms of indulgence are relative to and contained in the balance of the name.
In the case of health, every change of mathematical vibration of the bloodstream affects the change of form of germ life of which the bloodstream is composed; thus diseases are catalogued. Changed vibrations are proved through diagnosis. The changes of germ form, which are really changes in vibration, constitute the different forms of sickness in the human body.
Every letter of the alphabet has its own specific mathematical value and character, which is its intelligence. In the Kabalarian Philosophy, we regard numbers and letters as forms of intelligence rather than as practical symbols. It is the forces behind the numbers and letters that we recognize. Names are a combination of these letters and intelligences. Thus the motivation of the brain cells is the expression of thought and intelligence caused through these invisible forces.
Name is like a chord of notes in music: it blends individuality of letters to a chord, or one harmonizing whole, i.e., if balanced; yet there is a keynote that dominates the chord. As in music, so with names; the many forces are reduced or blended into a keynote, showing the predominant nature of the name and the person.