Power of a Name
© Excerpt Kabalarian Writings
The value of a name has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, the Bible, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself according to his individual name. The importance and the influence of a person's name has been the subject of controversy for years with critics often quoting, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," as if roses were people with individual qualities of intelligence. The question is, how does a name influence a person's character?
Let us consider what a name is. It is the grouping of several symbols which, when used, represent the identification of a person or an object.
The one thing that separates humankind from the animal kingdom is mind, which has the ability to reason on a conscious level. To think consciously, we must use language. This point is not generally appreciated but it is vitally important. It is impossible to think without language. What allows language to serve in this manner? It is the fact that language is symbolized in some definite way, in a definite mathematical sequence, i.e., in the English alphabet, "A" is always in the first position, "B", in the second position, and so on. Any alphabet is an alphabet because set symbols are recognized by their sound in a definite order—change the order and confusion results.
There is more than just sound, shape, and position to the symbols of language. What is it that language expresses? Is it not conscious intelligence? Is not intelligence a mental power? Do we not learn through education, using language, to develop intelligence, which is recognized as mental growth and the individuality of the personal mind.
The link between conscious intelligence, human mind, language, and the mathematical order of the symbols of language is the key to measuring human mind and solving the major problem of mental discord and imbalance.
A simple analogy is the piano. Every string when struck emits specific sound vibrations. Each string is different according to a mathematical law which gives the gradations in tones. Each note is a step in the scale, and using these notes a musician can blend the sounds into harmony or create a discord.
Similarly, names can blend conscious forces to create mental harmony or mental discord. Music is recognized as following a mathematical relationship in sound energies. The individual notes, although important, are not the music. Music is a sound energy that is expressed when activated by the keys. If the keys are not used, there is no music. A melody can be played on numerous instruments that express the same musical intelligence via a different medium. In the same way intelligence is universal and can be expressed via the medium of many different languages. The thought that, "The sky is blue," can be conveyed in as many languages as exist. Yet the thought remains abstract until expressed through language.
Therefore, conscious intelligence is a universal power that is limited according to the medium of expression. Languages with more extensive alphabets allow a greater diversity in the shades of meaning to be conveyed. Languages with alphabets having only a few symbols lack the capacity to express conscious intelligence as freely and easily as languages with many more symbols. Compare this with one piano with three octaves of notes expressing a range of music to another piano of ten or more octaves of notes. What a difference!
In considering the influence of a name, what is important is the power of intelligence that expresses through the symbols comprising the names. Similar to the gradations in sound energies in the scale of music, there is a scale in conscious power known as qualities of intelligence that express as an invisible energy known as mental power.
There are nine gradations in the scale of conscious expression: concisely they are: individuality, diplomacy, artistic expression, technical detail, analytical research, responsibility, philosophical depth of thought, organization, and universal love and understanding.
When the Principle is understood, a name can be changed to alter the forces of intelligence expressing through the person to conform to a harmonious pattern and to assist changing the person's nature to one of greater balance and happiness. What's in a name?—everything. What's in your name?—you.