As we mentioned on the previous page, your Name Report includes an analysis of all your names and your birthdate. You will also receive:

1) Bonus for ordering now and by e-mail
        - 1 free electronic book!

Order your Name Report package now and have it sent to you by e-mail, and as a special bonus, receive a free e-book by Alfred J. Parker,
founder of the Kabalarian Philosophy.

  • "What's In Your Name?"

“A survey of human thinking discloses the fact that no one seems to know from where his thinking comes...”

2) Free telephone support

There are many nuances and subtleties to the influence of your names and your inner potential, which can be properly explained only through person-to-person discussion. To clarify any questions on your written Name Report, we provide on-going telephone support. This consultation gives you the assistance to make the most of this very significant opportunity to change your life.
This service is provided on a toll-free line within North America.

3) Career and Vocation Recommendations

Most people spend 50% or more of their waking hours at work. Many feel unsatisfied with the career and work choices that fill these hours. But where do they turn for alternatives, new directions, and insights to their natural aptitudes?

As a bonus with your Name Report, a Career and Vocation Recommendation supplement is included. It will list both broad areas and specific fields which are best suited to your inner potential. In these career suggestions you would find the most satisfaction and happiness, as well as long-term success.

These suggestions are indispensable in re-evaluating your career and giving you the insight to make the necessary changes in directions best suited to you.

How to Order a Name Report

Thought for the Day