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Name analysis below is based on the English language

The analysis of the names on our web site is based on the English language alphabet. Names used in a different language and culture where the alphabet has a different order, or a different number of letters, or different symbols, or different vowels or consonants would have a different effect in creating your personality and personal characteristics. The spelling of your name using the English alphabet would have an influence only to the extent of your use of English. Please call us for further information.

Click on a name to see a brief analysis.

Adeliyn Ahorna Ahzia Aloft Amapani
Amhila Ang-Zeting Anjuni Aroama Arundani
Aryatara Ashangani Aye-Aye Baharupa Benjarat
Binod Bodhi Bonti Bounthanh Buddha
Budhasuta Bunthoeun Busan Chandaka Changchup
Charini Cheefong Chenla Chhorvy Chiratda
Chodron Cylca Dahrma Dalle Dallouska
Dayakurca Derjaha Devatideva Dhanayus Dhiman
Divijata Donnaya Drdahana Dsasskiah Duangthip
Dunila Ee-Lynn Eila Eldoras Euzeni
Foong-Yin Gautuma Gelek Gomin Gotrabbhu
Harmijanti Hataikarn Hema Hibi Hninphyu
Hui-Ping Hui-Qin Imali Indeewarie Inoshi
Irangani Iroshani Iroshika Ivin Jeenee
Jenbina Jeng-Ai Jenlyn Jigmet Jindak
Jindy Joelf Juken Juttie Kar-Yan
Kavinvadee Kenshia Keow Ketmanee Ketsra
Khanary Khim-Yin Khinezar Khinthida Kiew
Lackhena La-Nane Leuangna Libee Lyena
Malayvanh Manjusri Manjusri Marsang Mauricse
Mengkai Metteyya Mingmar Minxian Moukda
Mourryse My-An Myrriam My-Yen Nangsoilao
Naropa Narue Nattawadee Nayanda Nayantha
Nghweiling Ngwenee Ng-Ying-Ju Nibbana Nidaphone
Nimkit Nin-Si Nisanarth Nitsha Oanh-Nhi
Ookhin Oyunbat Palmo Phanomvanh Pickyin
Piyaporn Pohlean Prayuta Puffywaun Pururavas
Puteany Raymend Reab Rigzin Rinzin
Rushma Saashy Sabei Sakyamuni Sangay
Sang-Gye Sascheyi Sasinee Satyamala Sayyaphone
Senanie Shannnon Shao-Tian Shashei Sheranne
Sherryayn Shiping Shiyami Shugs Shujing
Sievalee Siewgeck Sillet Sineenart Sivaporn
Sokvanna Songs Sook-Hoon Srihana Subashna
Sunhom Suwunnee Szechia Tayzar Thazin
Thein Theng-Fei Thidachanh Thiphalat Thirii
Thumi Tikiri Tylanni Ugyen Valantria
Vanus Vilasith Weishan Wendywee Wint
Woshika Wuenyi Xienyi Xuyinghui Yanhui
Yan-Rui Yasa Yasitha Yeechen Yemon
Yeniwati Yonten Yuanhui Zachoeje Zying


Do not Choose Baby Names Here!

Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We would be happy to assist you. You can also see our online ordering options

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