NR View: Jason Hubbard - NRID: 4095683 - Birthdate: 7-9-1981 - Email: -





Jason Hubbard

July 9, 1981

Prepared on 05/19/2024 by the
Society of Kabalarians
1160 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1J1 Canada

Home Page of

NR ID: 4095683 (Gender: M) [edit]

Ordered on 07/07/2020

May 2024 Update

Dear  Jay,

Discover the profound insights into your thoughts, actions, and destiny that await you within your Name Report. Unveil the intricate interplay of each name you use, revealing the blueprint of your personality and the path that shapes your life.

Your Name Report is more than just a document—it's a roadmap to your true purpose, crafted from the moment you took your first breath. Dive deep into understanding the role destined for you since your birthdate, guiding you towards a life of fulfillment and contentment.

Is your name aligned with your purpose, paving the way for you to achieve your goals and unleash your full potential? Find out how your name serves as the conduit for expressing your unique destiny.

Watch our Introduction Video for additional insights and guidance, and know that our team is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you have questions or seek clarity, our Name Specialists are just a call away.

Introduction Video: Some additional points to consider

At the Kabalarian Philosophy, your happiness, success, and fulfillment are our utmost priorities. We are committed to empowering you on your journey towards achieving your greatest aspirations. Our Name Specialists can be reached at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or for local and international, please call 604-263-9551.


Kabalarian Staff

Society of Kabalarians

P.S. Don't forget to download a permanent PDF copy of this Name Report for easy reference and reflection. Click here to begin your journey to self-discovery. (Note: The download may take up to 30 seconds.)

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Part 1: Your Life Purpose/Birthpath - July 9, 1981

We call your purpose your birthpath. It is measured from the month, day, and year of your birth.

Birthpath For: July 9, 1981: [revise birthdate]

Your purpose, as measured from your date of your birth, is that of a leader and educator. Your role is to lift and inspire others through development of your self-expression and a broad understanding of life. Being both practical and inspirational, you would have high ideals and would be able to envision in practical ways how to achieve your goals. You have the potential to rise to the heights of success either in the financial world or in the affairs of state.

Fundamentally, you combine executive ability with the inner desire to serve humanity. Justice is your keynote. You should strive to ensure impartiality for all by the just distribution of profits and goods.

You should occupy a position where you are not subservient to others, where you have authority and control in decision making and the handling of finance, where you organize the efforts of others, and where you use your creative talents and self-expression to encourage the best from people, thereby helping them to find their roles in life. You have the inner desire for the good things of life, not only for yourself but to give to others. Anyone with these qualities must guard against becoming lost in the pleasures and experiences of the senses.

To be successful in your role requires effort to develop confidence, self-expression, self-reliance, and objectivity, and to make decisions based on clear analysis and truth. Your role also requires that you understand the heart and mind of others, and that you allow for their viewpoints in your undertakings.

You could develop musical or artistic talents either for yourself or for commercial benefit.

Whether your birthpath fully expresses depends upon your names, for your names create your personality. Your thinking and actions are the compelling forces that shape your life. The birthpath is the purpose to be understood and consciously expressed through a mind balanced to your birthpath.

You need to understand yourself. The following analysis of your names and signature will show the consistencies and inconsistencies between the expression of your personal nature created by your names of Jason Hubbard and your birthpath qualities described above.

Part 2: Analysis of Your Names

Why Names Matter

A Few Points to Recognize

In your Name Report, your names are analyzed using the 26-letter English alphabet. However the effect of your names in English may be modified somewhat if your names were created from a different alphabet. We would be pleased to discuss this matter with you.

Middle names do not determine your personality traits and are not analyzed unless you are called by your middle name. If your middle name is a part of your business signature, it would have an overall influence in your business affairs and would be described in the business signature section.

Adding Additional Names

If there are additional names you use and would like analyzed such as:

  • nicknames
  • middle names
  • legal names
  • business signatures
  • previous names
  • birth names
  • maiden names
  • future names

click the following link to revise/correct and redo your Name Report:

Add additional names

Your First Name(s)

Your most used first name(s) reveals your personality—your desires, ideals, capabilities, goals, ambitions, potential health sensitivities, the types of people you are drawn to, and the business and personal surroundings you seek.

Jay [edit/add name]

The name of  Jay  creates an intense nature with strong feelings and emotional desires. Consequently you are a determined, strong-willed person who projects uncompromising individuality.

You could develop creative expression in art, music, or drama, doing to an extreme whatever arouses your interest. In your effort to do your very best, you tend to focus all your energy and attention on your immediate short-term goal to the exclusion of other responsibilities and activities. You try to add something new and different to whatever you undertake, and would eagerly set off into new fields. here is a tendency to scatter your efforts in the longer term by being involved in too many pursuits. A lack of attention to detail, and an aversion to routine and monotony could disrupt your work habits and thwart the orderly completion of your undertakings, even though you put forth great effort.

Independence and personal freedom are of paramount importance to you. You are inclined to resist being influenced to change your mind once you have reached your decision, and you object to being told what to do. Because of your definite ideas and opinions, you work best on your own, free from the advice or interference of others. Your obstinate traits, candid expression, and disregard for diplomacy have, at times, spoiled friendships and success in your work or business.

When you are happy and feeling congenial, you display an engaging personality that enables you to make friends easily. Your appreciation for people and desire to be of service in some way could involve you in charitable or educational endeavours. A sense of humanitarian idealism could motivate you to go to great lengths to help others in need. However, you must guard against excessive expectation in the amount of recognition you receive for your efforts.

Your tendency to become possessive and demanding could alienate those you are trying to help, or those who are in closest association with you.

Tension and frustration exact a heavy toll on your peace of mind and nervous system. Your preoccupation with the desires and demands of the moment preclude relaxation and deplete your vitality. You tend to set aside any interests in the study of deeper and more worthwhile aspects of life.

Temper, indulgence, or dependence on medication could become serious problems in your life if you allow your feelings and reactions to overwhelm your self-control. Your health could suffer through disorders affecting the nervous system such as fits, strokes, palsy, or epilepsy, or through weakness in the senses of the head that result in headaches, sinus conditions, or defective hearing or eye-sight.

Jason    [edit/add name]

The name of  Jason  influences you to be refined and inspirational, and to think deeply about life. You have a restless urge for knowledge and a need to serve a worthwhile purpose. You have a clever and analytical mind and could be brilliant in areas that hold your interest such mathematics or science. It is difficult for you to accept advice from others or any interference with your choices.

Your independent nature, the need for freedom from restrictions, and your kinship to the out-of-doors could lead you to seek occupations in forestry, fishing, aviation, or as a game warden, etc. You desire peace and tranquillity, but more often attract turbulence and chaotic experiences that are bitter. It is not easy for you to maintain harmony in close relationships.

You crave love and understanding and are easily hurt or offended. Instead of expressing your deeper feelings so that others may understand you, you withdraw into moods of depression, jealousy, and unhappiness, and distance yourself from those who care. It is often only through writing that you can express your higher ideals, or convey your deep appreciation for those you love. It is difficult for you to cope with discordant situations or heavy responsibilities.

Nervous tension could lead to insomnia, or have a negative impact on your health. Sensitivity in the stomach and solar plexus, or heart and respiratory problems, could result. Also, you could experience accidents due to your impulsive nature.

Your Surname(s)

The family name is the influence of your background, your home environment, the quality of thoughts of the family, the desires, ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, and the hereditary traits.

Surname qualities are modified or intensified depending on the first names given and used.

Hubbard [edit/add name]

The  Hubbard  family are pleasant, easy-going, friendly, and matter-of-fact. They are drawn into practical, technical fields such as mechanics, computers, science, accountancy, and architecture, and where they can work with people such as in teaching, health services, and human resources. They make good trades people and enjoy practical arts such as cooking, sewing, and woodworking. Sometimes their practical, analytical natures make some family members sceptical of new ideas and theories and limit their imagination, vision, and idealism. There is an underlying lack of confidence and initiative in this family name that can spoil success. They prefer not to assume the type of responsibility where important decisions are demanded of them or where they must act spontaneously as they tend to be deliberate and cautious in their thinking. They are fussy over details and at other times, can be indifferent to following through on their undertakings. This family tends to follow traditions as they do not change easily and quickly. They generally do not gravitate to music, art, or literature unless it is in the technical aspects. Their fondness for sweets and heavier foods can cause over-stoutness and intestinal difficulties as well as challenges in the health through the fluids causing such problems as swelling of the legs and ankles, phlebitis, female troubles or prostate problems.

Your Combined Names Create Your Destiny

Your combined names sum up your life - your financial status, successful accomplishments, the environments you attract, and the state of your health. You combined names create your destiny - your experiences and the circumstances that become part of your life.

Jay Hubbard [edit/add name]

The full name of  Jay Hubbard  is not conducive to success in your undertakings though it gives you many creative ideas and the desire for independence. It also makes you procrastinate and lack the confidence needed to bring your plans to a proper point of completion. People come into your life who take advantage of you and offer little in return. Also, they could involve you in experiences that prove to be detrimental to your welfare leaving you to face the consequences. You can be too easily influenced and imposed upon, and must learn to be individual and stand upon principle. This full name takes you into subordinate positions that allow little scope for creativity, and does not bring financial accumulation. Weakness in your health would show in the fluid functions of your body.

Jason Hubbard [edit/add name]

Your combined names of  Jason Hubbard  give you the desire for association and understanding from others, but create much aloneness in your life. You are taken among people who tend to be introverted and with whom you feel a lack of congeniality. You experience many misunderstandings through breakdowns in communication. Because these names are a sensitive influence, they cause you to experience disturbing thoughts and feelings that you cannot fully control. Your plans and ambitions are undermined by an element of confusion in your affairs that never allows you to realize complete success in business or personal undertakings. You may find comparative success, but not the fulfilment of your expectations. Any weakness in your health could affect your respiratory organs or heart.

The destiny that you experience and the overall conditions in your life created by these combined names has not allowed your full potential to express.

Full Legal Name

Jason Harry Jude Hubbard [edit/add name]

Your combined names of  Jason Harry Jude Hubbard  gives you the desire for peace and harmony in association, but they cause you to suffer through personal and material losses, and shattered ideals. These names create a difficulty in retaining your individuality because of your emotional involvement in the feelings of others. You are brought into contact with a great many people to whom you are required to give much, but you receive little in return, often not even appreciation. Your efforts are scattered through a lack of perseverance to finish what you start or because your involvements prevent you from following many of your plans through to a successful conclusion. Mental confusion could result, and your health could be affected through the nervous system.

Your Middle Name(s)

Your middle names of Harry and Jude do not affect your personality unless you are called by that middle name on a regular basis.

If you use your middle name to any degree, you need to redo your Name Report and enter your middle name as a Most Used Name so it will be analyzed with your current surname.

If you use your middle name in your business signature it would affect your business conditions.

Click here to change or modify your Name Report


Your Nickname(s)

N icknames will modify the effect of the first names above to the degree they are used.

Jakie [edit/add name]

The name of  Jakie  gives you a kind, understanding nature and a sense of responsibility toward your duties. Under this name you feel a strong desire to help people and to ease the suffering of others. At times your actions appear to be very impractical but you just want to help. This name contains musical, artistic, and inspirational qualities and gives you a broad, universal outlook on life. The weakness of the name could be evident in an intensity of emotional feelings and through a scattering of efforts. A tendency to worry is also a weakness of this name as well as tension in the nervous system.

Speedy [edit/add name]

The name of  Speedy  limits the scope of your thinking; you are inclined to be self-centred and positive in opinion. There is a tendency in your nature to procrastinate. Hence you often do not materialize your ideas, as you are, at times, inclined to be too passive. You are inclined to be outspoken and candid, and believe in calling "a spade a spade". This attitude has created many misunderstandings with others. You dislike repression and prefer to be your own boss, make your own decisions, and be in a position where you give orders to others. You have a strong temper when aroused to anger, but you do try to smooth over issues to create greater harmony. This name creates a weakness in the head. You could suffer, for example, from headaches, poor eyesight, or sinus problems. Also, the fluid functions of the body, such as the kidneys, could be a centre of weakness.

Uncle Jakie [edit/add name]

The name of  Uncle Jakie  gives you a very analytical mind. However, you direct it too often to see the flaws in other people and in life, generally. This name makes you very independent, honest, and straightforward in your manner of speech. Others frequently take exception to your candidness and belligerence. You are subject to moods of depression and then you may wonder if life is worthwhile. A tendency for you to act impulsively could lead to bitter experiences. The weaknesses in the health are centred in the nervous system and solar plexus and you could suffer with nervous indigestion. You could also experience severe headaches.

Your Business Signature(s)

Uncle Jay [edit/add name]

To the extent that you use the business signature of  Uncle Jay , you are drawn into situations where there is the need to give of yourself to help others. You attract positions that require a great deal of individual effort with limited resources, physical comforts, or conveniences. Invariably, you put more into an enterprise or venture than you gain from it. The benefits usually go to someone else. You pioneer many efforts, working hard, but just when you begin to make headway, or have your goal in sight, someone else takes advantage of the situation to reap the rewards that should be yours. There is little opportunity to draw upon, either in your work environment or from personal contacts. This signature would not bring you the financial accumulation you deserve.

Mythman [edit/add name]

To the extent that you use the business signature of  Mythman , it would restrict financial success. The opportunities that would come your way offer little scope or remuneration relative to your efforts. Invariably you are coping with technical, mechanical matters dealing with detail and routine in a limited environment lacking physical comforts. Any financial success achieved comes through steady, persistent effort and taking advantage of small opportunities to make headway.

Your Birth Name

None entered. [edit/add name]

Important: Your birth name (even though not used ) has a definite influence because it is the name you were legally registered as. If your birth name is different than your current legal name click the link below to add your birth name:

Analyze my birth name


Future Names

Jude [edit/add name]

Your name of  Jude  creates leadership and organizational abilities along with shrewdness and materiality. You are ambitious with big ideas, but you readily become bogged down in the small details to the point of fussiness. This conflict is often the cause of discontent within you.

You are mathematically adept and can have great patience with work of a detailed nature such as bookkeeping, accounting, computer technology, or manual work of a skilled nature. Because of its matter-of-fact influence, this name limits your ability to be flexible and spontaneous and causes you to view new and unfamiliar ideas with skepticism.

An inclination to be overly cautious and serious could make you pessimistic and lacking in humour. Particular about your material possessions, you budget frugally, buy quality, and value and look after what you own. You work hard to provide a good standard of living for those in your care. There may be a tendency to be domineering in close relationships, not listening to the opinions of others nor seeking their input in decisions.

Your ability to deal with problems in a practical, objective, and unemotional way may be viewed as lacking in feeling and understanding. Being undemonstrative or unaware of the more subtle needs of others can be a source of friction with those close to you, especially if they are more sensitive or crave thoughtful expressions of affection.

You have an appetite for rich heavy foods, and a tendency to eat more than the body can process. Weaknesses in the health could be related to the reproductive system or a sluggishness of the intestinal tract that could cause growths, rheumatism, or arthritis.

Knapp [edit/add name]

Your surname of  Knapp  creates independent, practical, mechanical and down-to-earth people interested in scientific matters. In family and other personal relationships they are loyal and dependable in their responsibilities. They have to work very hard in life for what they gain, and are often held down to mediocre occupations. They prefer to work on their own using their ability to concentrate on detail and their patience to pursue an undertaking through to a conclusion. They avoid risk where possible and are reluctant to be responsible for supervising others. Inventive along practical lines, they are thorough and exacting and want to take their time to do a good job. Though generally not naturally versatile, if interested in music or art, they would strive for technical perfection at the expense of the creative or inspirational aspects. They tend to be headstrong and one-track minded lacking the quickness of mind to take advantage of opportunities as they appear. Without realizing it, they have a lack of awareness for the needs of others. They have many fine qualities but their inflexibility and lack of compassionate expression offset the good qualities and can bring unhappiness in close associations. These qualities are modified or intensified depending upon first names used. It is a physically strong family; their appetite for food leans toward the heavy foods, meat, and starches, which affect the digestive organs either through ulcers, growths, constipation or hemorrhoids. Also, tension centring in the head could give rise to headaches and problems affecting the teeth, eye-sight, or hearing.

Jude Knapp [edit/add name]

The influence of the names  Jude Knapp  brings you opportunities for material accumulation and a good standard of living. You attract positions where you carry financial responsibility and direct the efforts of others. You have high ideals relative to humanitarian undertakings and desire to be generous with others and share your good fortune. However you could over-extend your financial means and suffer setbacks as a result. Setting your sights high, you desire the very best standard of living and the wherewithal to achieve it. These names could affect the health through generative problems, particularly should you over indulge.

Part 3: Current Destiny Created by Your Combined Names

Your combined names of Jay Hubbard and Jason Hubbard create the overall conditions in your life, which we call your destiny.

Your names have allowed a certain degree of accomplishment and success; however, there are definite drawbacks and conflicting influences that could spoil your long-term personal happiness, fulfilment, and business success.

These conditions will continually occur (despite your best efforts) and will limit your success in life.

Jay Hubbard
Your combined names of  Jay Hubbard  are not conducive to business and personal success and draw you into too much sociability and connections with easy-going people who tend to take advantage of you both personally and financially. These connections lead you into positions where you act as an intermediary in serving the public, but they do not lead you to positions of responsibility and authority. Nor do these circumstances draw upon your talents, skills, and all of which you are capable. In both your business and personal life, you are often called upon to mediate and to solve the problems of others. You do not benefit from these experiences. These names undermine your confidence and initiative as you do not attract the opportunities to find personal success and fulfilment of your own ideals and to develop the true expression of your birthpath potential. The tension caused by the circumstances into which you are drawn can create health weaknesses in the fluid functions of the body.

Important Points on the Two Destiny of
Jay Hubbard
by Dhorea Delain - Senior Name Specialist


Jason Hubbard
Your combined names of  Jason Hubbard  take you into too many isolated circumstances where you experience much aloneness and sensitivity. Though this destiny allows you to experience a measure of financial success, it is difficult to achieve complete fulfilment of your goals and ambitions. Your success in your working life is limited as you are often overlooked when new opportunities arise because your names do not engender personal and business opportunities or the easy-flow of communication with others. Your combined names create a separateness that does not bring happiness in associations. Even in a crowd, you feel left out and misunderstood. You may find solace on your own in nature, i.e. gardening, walking, hiking, or fishing, or in making your living in an outdoors environment or dealing with the products of the earth. With this destiny tension affects the respiratory organs because of unfulfilled ideals and ambitions.

Important Points on the Seven Destiny of
Jason Hubbard

Simple changes can make a world of difference!

If you balance your name and business signature in harmony with your birthpath you will find these conditions changing to greater stability and happiness.

Part 4: Introducing Your Path to Personal Fulfillment and Success!

Are you ready to unlock the door to your true potential? If you've been tirelessly chasing success but haven't quite reached the pinnacle of personal fulfillment, it's time for a transformation. Our comprehensive analysis reveals that the names you bear, both personally and professionally, may be holding you back from realizing your destiny.

But fear not! The Kabalarian Philosophy offers a profound opportunity for you to rewrite the script of your life. We understand the importance of your future, and we're dedicated to guiding you toward the happiness and success you deserve. It's time to align your name and business signature with your birthpath, paving the way for unparalleled harmony and prosperity.

Our Recommendations:

1) Life Analysis Training: Dive deep into the intricate relationship between mathematics, life, and the essence of your name and mind. Gain invaluable insights that will reshape your understanding of self and purpose.

2) Embrace Change: Consider adopting a Kabalarian balanced name—name perfectly attuned to your unique journey and aspirations. Whether through a simple modification of your current name or a complete overhaul, this transformative step will unleash a tidal wave of positive energy, propelling you toward your true calling.

Discover the Real You

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with a balanced name as your compass. Experience the profound shift in your thoughts and emotions, paving the way for exciting opportunities and unparalleled fulfillment. Witness the transformation firsthand as your newfound confidence and self-expression elevate every aspect of your life.

Build Upon Your Foundation:

Your current name embodies your strengths, but a balanced name amplifies them to new heights. Bid farewell to limitations and embrace a boundless realm of possibilities, where success and happiness are no longer elusive dreams but tangible realities.

Testimonials Speak Louder Than Words:

Explore our testimonials page and discover firsthand accounts of how a balanced name has transformed lives, igniting a ripple effect of positivity, and abundance.

Check our testimonials page

Browse our video channel.

Discovering Your Unique Essence: Unveiling the Power of a Balanced Name

Crafting a balanced name tailored to your unique essence can unlock remarkable opportunities and propel you towards fulfilling your life's purpose. Consider this: your birthdate, July 9, 1981, holds profound significance, laying the groundwork for your inherent strengths and calling. Your core purpose of organizing people and being in charge. Your role is to demonstrate justice and equality in service to humanity.

Now, imagine aligning your name with this powerful directive. It's not merely a matter of semantics; it's about harmonizing your identity with your destined path. Whether through a subtle adjustment in spelling or a complete reinvention, embracing a balanced name holds the promise of profound transformation.

Think of it as fine-tuning an instrument before a symphony. Your name is the melody that reverberates through every aspect of your existence. With a balanced name, every note resonates in harmony with your purpose, amplifying your potential and magnetizing opportunities.

So, why wait? Seize the opportunity to recalibrate your destiny. Let your name become the anthem of your purpose, a testament to your commitment to living a life of fulfillment and impact. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment that awaits as you step into the resonance of your balanced name.

Imagine the potential awaiting as you explore the myriad ways your current names, birthdate, and unique attributes intersect to shape your identity. A mere tweak in spelling or the adoption of an entirely new name could catalyze profound shifts, aligning every syllable with the symphony of your inner potential.

Part 5: Choosing Your Balanced Name Package

1) Your Balanced Name Recomendation package will include:

  • Selection of 30 to 40 first names tailored to your inner potential
  • Selection of 30 to 40 last names perfectly aligned with your unique journey.
  • Over 1,000 possible combinations to explore, customized to your preferences
  • Cultural considerations honored wherever possibless
  • Expert guidance on modifying your current names for optimal balance.
  • Crafting the ideal business signature for stability and success

2) Receive one hour of consultation support from a dedicated name specialist, ensuring your journey to a balanced name is smooth and empowering.

3) Your personalized recommendation will be ready in just 3 to 4 business days, setting you on the fast-track to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Take Advantage of Our Special Offer:

For a limited time, enjoy $50 off all packages until May 24.

Seize this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey toward personal fulfillment and success.

Don't let another day pass by living beneath your potential. Embrace the power of a balanced name and unlock the endless possibilities that await you.

Your destiny awaits — take the first step today!

Standard Standard Plus Premium
Best Value
Most Popular
Name Package
+ Cycle Chart
+ Learning Centre

Package Price

$145 USD
Special to May 24


$195 USD
Special to May 24


$275 USD
Special to
May 24

Balanced Name Recommendation Report
Wide selection of balanced first and last names matched to your inner purpose
Business Signature Recommendations
Product Support included
via Phone, Zoom, or Email 
Introductory Cycle Chart 3-month summary
Detailed 12-month Cycle Chart™
($85 if purchased separately)  
Compatibility and Career Recommendations
($65 if purchased separately)
Online Learning
Life Analysis Training
Discover the Meaning of Name and Birthdate
($295 if purchased later) 

Life Analysis Training is an easy to follow online study class designed to empower your life in dynamic ways.

  • 10 learning modules (12 hours of video classes)
  • 8 lessons (200 pages) of reference material
  • Personal Learning Assistant Mentoring for your work groups and questions
  • Monthly support calls
Access to the Kabalarian Learning Centre exclusive content and benefits  
  • Weekly Live Classes via Zoom
  • Access to the Replay Library
  • Exclusive content: videos and articles
Choose Type:
First Name:   
Last Name:   
Birth Date:   
Name Report ID:   


Spelling Modification Request (if possible):   
Cultural Name Preference (if possible) and Special Instructions:     

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(the phone number will only be used if we have questions on your order and you cannot be reached via email)
Credit Card:    

Do not put any spaces or hyphens between the numbers. All information is encrypted when transmitted.

Expiry:    Month: Year:
Talk to a Name Specialist
to see if a Balanced Name is right for you.
Call us M-F 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific

Link to Balanced Name Recommendation Order Page

Part 6: Unlock Your Potential: Complimentary Personalized Consultation

Unlock the secrets hidden within your name and birth date with our exclusive offer: a complimentary, in-depth analysis provided by our team of expert name specialists. Dive deeper into the significance of your personal names or explore any inquiries you may have regarding your Name Report, all at absolutely no cost to you.

Seize this opportunity to gain valuable insights and clarity into your life's path. Whether you're seeking answers, guidance, or simply a better understanding of yourself, our dedicated specialists are here to assist you every step of the way.

Contact us now at 866-489-1188 toll-free within North America or 604-263-9551 for international inquiries. Our lines are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific Time.

Don't miss out on this chance to unlock the mysteries of your existence. Call us today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Other Important Links

Know the Power of Time with a 3-Month Cycle Chart
Your 3-month Personal Cycle Chart for your birthdate of: July 9, 1981

  Free Smartphone Quotes App


More Information on Benefits of a Balanced Name

Read Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking

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If you have any questions about your Name Report, the Cycle Chart, or the Balanced Name Recommendation service, please call 866-489-1188 (North America) or 604-263-9551 (International) weekdays 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific Time or email us at: Our Name Specialists and support staff look forward to hearing from you.

Thought for the Day